Sunday, January 12, 2014

First Impressions

My first week in Dubai has been full of many ups and downs. Life here is very dynamic here in many ways, yet very slow in others. Simple things like a postal system do not exist. (getting my items delivered from IKEA was very interesting! putting down landmarks to identify where I live, rather than a house address.) Yet, the architecture is unbelievable! Everything is about bigger, faster, more glamorous, glitzy, etc when it comes to hotels, malls and buildings. Construction is going on everywhere you look...more residences and hotels are being built all the time. Trying to bring more people to Dubai!
My biggest challenges in the first week have been:
1) adjusting to the time difference (12 hours from Seattle)...complete adjustment for the body clock
2) not having internet/TV in my apartment (which won't happen for at least 1 month. This process will start once I have a resident Visa, which could take about 1 month itself...patience is KEY here! Things do not happen in the same time frame they do in the states. There are no processes and procedures that have logic behind them. They just do the same thing with every scenario, doesn't matter how this situation differs from the last.)
3) Missing my family and friends at home! And especially missing the birth of my new nephew Dylan Gary Graff on Jan 3rd. Being so far from home will be an ongoing challenge...especially not having internet to connect with everyone!
4) Getting used to LONG hours! People work from about 8:30-9am till around 6:30-7pm here...and sometimes longer till 9pm or so. Now I see why we get 1 month of vacation! ha
5) Not having a car to get around. From where I live it's about 15 min to work, downtown and Dubai very central, but it's still remote to any shopping, cafes, restaurants to grab something for dinner or go grocery shopping. Thank goodness for my dear friend Lana Torlo that has been driving me around to get my house settled and to my new colleague Eduardo who has been my chauffeur to/from work! (Eventually I will get a car, but of course need a resident visa and bank account before I start that process)
6) Not having alcohol in my home...ha! You cannot buy alcohol unless you have a permit (for your home anyways, you can buy drinks at bars and restaurants however.) Thank goodness for my friend Staci who bought me a nice box of South African red wine to help me get by until I get my permit :)
7) Learning my new role...3 hotels means: 3 new teams (and names I'm not used to hearing make it more challenging to remember them :), 3 different styles of hotels, 3 different demands and wants for types of business into the hotels, and lots of accounts and promotions to remember! Whew, I'm exhausted!
8) Waiting for my shipment of stuff to arrive! This process will take 6-8 weeks...long boat ride for my precious goods. It will feel like Christmas when they arrive!
9) Missing The Olympic Cafe at my hotel in Seattle :( Food isn't quite like Florica's cooking! Lots of new food to get used to and learn what it is...ha ha
10) Again...missing my friends and family at home...and my Ben :(

My biggest gains/excitement in the first week have been:
1) Meeting new friends from Holland, Ecuador, Italy, Bosnia, Greece, Belgium, Philippines, Australia, Lebanon...I'm sure I'm missing a few
2) Trip to IKEA to make my place start to feel like home! (Pictures to follow)
3) Ability to use my friend Charlotte's internet/TV while her husband and her are traveling in Thailand for 2 weeks!
4) Starting a new job, working for the BEST company in Dubai (well I think so anyways)...and my base hotel is located on the man-made Palm island with beautiful views...WOW
5) Getting my laptop and phone from I can stay connected with all of you!
6) Clubs! Getting my heels on and makeup done by my dear friend Lana...just like old times! Definitely wonderful to connect with my girl
7) Enjoying a Starbucks (twice!)...and it was just like home..yum
8) 3 days of rain...ha ha, did NOT think I would see that. But it's nice to clear the air and calm the dust...refreshing. Never thought I would enjoy rain :)
9) Learning more about the Arabic culture...absolutely fascinating culture. The people are so friendly and VERY respectful to women. All doors are opened, women go first in everything, drinks taken care of, etc. I actually think women dominate here! Learning about the history of the UAE, the current Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid al Maktoum (he's the one with the Dubai vision), and so much more.
10) Taking in this iconic and fascinating city! WOW is all I can say

Pictures of my hotel on The Palm and Fairmont Dubai to follow, as well as my new home!


  1. I love that you're sharing all of the intricate details of this place and your new life! Thank you so much for sharing. :)

  2. Absolutely! I hope others can enjoy as well!
